Planning air travel for children with ASD
Traveling by plane may be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. Because of characteristics related to flying, such as a change in routine, navigating unfamiliar locations, and significant sensory stimulation, this may be especially true for a kid with Autism.
Please note: The suggestions below have been shown to be helpful for families considering plane travel. It’s crucial to note that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have a wide range of talents and interests, so not all advice will work for every child.
Make a social narrative
Create a picture and/or word social tale with your child in the weeks preceding up to your vacation that explains the air-travel procedure. Include images and/or summaries of security, the terminal, the flight, baggage claim, and other locations. Include sensory events such as “ear-popping” during flight and landing that the kid may face. Prior to leaving, go over this “trip book” as many times as possible. This will make your child feel more at peace in an otherwise foreign procedure.
Make a note of it in your calendar and ensure they are comfortable
Hang a calendar with the travel date clearly noted a few weeks before departure and have your kid cross off each day until departure. A calendar may help your kid prepare for when their routine may change by presenting the notion of time in a tangible and visible way. If at all possible, avoid washing any comfort goods prior to departure. Traveling by plane may be overwhelming to any traveler’s senses, let alone a kid with ASD. In such a situation, having a beloved object that smells like home, such as a baby blanket or a soft toy, might be relaxing.
Prepare meals and snacks ahead of time
In the terminal or on the aircraft, there may be a restricted selection of meals. If your child has any dietary requirements or is a fussy eater, this may be a real problem. In light of this, packing a range of snacks and smaller meals for your kid may be beneficial. Also, for a kid who craves sensory stimulation, bring chewy items like fruit gummies or a bagel.
Balance your kid’s energy
Traveling by flying necessitates extended periods of silence and stillness. Prior to departing for the airport, encourage your kid to engage in high-intensity physical exercise to let him or her release any pent-up energy. Ideal exercises include high-gross-motor exercises such as running or jumping for around thirty minutes. Pack comfortable baby sets .
Allow them to explain it to you
Encourage your youngster to describe the procedure to you or his or her toys once you’ve taken the time to prepare him or her for travel. This method can show how much of the traveling process the kid understands, as well as places where the kid is uncertain or has concerns. This strategy should be adjusted to your child’s developmental stage. For a youngster with great verbal capabilities, for example, ask the youngster to describe the journey day vocally or via drawings. Program a speaker box for your kid with graphics of the different phases of the day if he uses one. If your child forgets to cover a topic, it may be good to remind them.
Author Bio
I am Andrea Micheal, a post-graduate in humanities and communications, and an inquisitive person who loves writing. I’m working for Tiny Twig and my forte is digital marketing and everything that has to do with phones and screens. I am someone who believes that one person can make a change, and that’s precisely why I took up writing, which is the best tool to communicate these days. I have a decade of experience in writing and marketing, and I still find myself learning new things about it, which I want to share with my readers.
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